Looking back on history, there are a few scientific breakthroughs that tend to catch our immediate attention. Perhaps it's the publishing of Newton's Principa or Euclid's Elements or Einstein's miracle year, 1905, in which he changed our understanding of space, time, and the quantum world. Although these examples are certainly worthy of our attention, it's important to remember that science is an ongoing process…and I mean it's happening right now! Even this year, we've had quite a few advances in various fields of science that may just have planted the seeds to future revolutions. Here's a look at some of the most significant discoveries or advances of 2014: January Successful Production of Artificial Cells Right at the dawn of the new year, for the first time in history, chemists were able to successfully produce the first artificial cell, containing organelles. Mimicking our very own biological cells that we are familiar with, th...
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