Before we get to the story, we should go over the different types of numbers that we know about: Natural Numbers - All of the integers above 0 (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…); Note: Some people like to include 0 here. It's really up to your preference. The natural numbers are really the first numbers we become accustomed to as we grow up and they appear to be the most intuitive (hence, the name "natural"). This is because we count things and see the world in natural numbers - ex. 3 apples, 4 cars, 5 fingers, etc… Integers - In this set, we include all of the negative integers (so it's all of the natural numbers plus all of their negative counterparts). For a long time, these numbers were also looked "down upon" because they didn't really carry the same physical intuition as the natural numbers (ex. can you really have -3 apples?). Nonetheless, the negative numbers proved to be useful, so we now use integers all of the time. Rational Numbers - Now, we get...
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