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Showing posts from February, 2014

5 Mind-Blowing Physics Facts

Physics is weird. It's definitely awesome and certainly a rigorous science, but when you have a subject whose mission is basically to learn about "everything in the universe", some wacky things are bound to pop up. Even though we have gained an understanding of many of the universe's fundamental laws and tendencies, there are some things that still blow your mind. Here's a list of just a few... 5. Everything Is Empty  What comes to mind when I say the word "atom". For most people, an image of a tiny billiard ball comes to mind. We think of these little solids huddled close together that make up everything around us. If that is you, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Which is okay! I mean, you'd probably think I was crazy if I told you that atoms are 99.99999% empty . Except, that's actually true!  When Ernest Rutherford conducted his famous gold foil experiment in which he shot a beam of particles at a thin sheet of gold foil,

5 Most Outstanding Pictures From Space

Space is really, really, really big (and I mean REALLY big). With so much space around (pardon the pun), there is a lot of room for cool things to pop up. The universe has not disappointed us when it comes to providing amazing spectacles, so let's take a look at 5 that are, in my opinion, some of the best. 5.The Rose Galaxy While it's actual name is ARP 273, we just couldn;t help but give it a prettier name. In a ridiculous stroke of luck (coupled with our sense of imagination), this galaxy resembles a rose, right down to the pedal. The swoosh of the tail is graceful, the stars twinkling at the edges of the rose are beautiful and the colours are soft and perfect for the picture. Forget chocolates and flowers, I think a picture of the Rose Galaxy is very appropriate for that special person in your life on Valentine's Day!  4. The Eagle Nebula  Ladies and gentleman, this is where stars are born. No, I'm not talking about Hollywood - I'm talking

Why Is Scientific Literacy Important?

Science is a very broad term. Being specific, it is all of the various fields you have probably heard about; biology, physics, chemistry, geology, among hundreds of others. It's study of how things work and in case you haven't noticed, there are a lot of things out there to learn about! But using just this definition is a bit narrow. In a general sense, science is also a method of gaining the truth, and I think that right there is the main reason why it is so important to have at least a basic grasp of science. In this day and age, you get a lot of information thrown at you. There are sources of information all over the internet, each with varying degrees of credibility (looking at you WIkipedia...). In addition, you also have a slew of different advertisers trying to sell you this product and that shampoo and whatnot. It can get really hard to weed out what's bullocks and find the truth. This is where the scientific method comes in to play. It's important to be ab


Hello good reader! I am excited and honoured that you have stumbled upon this webpage and have decided to stay for a little while to look around! This is a blog that will be used to "lay out my laundry", so to speak, and to just share some things that are on my mind. I love science, the scientific method and the problems and issues that face the field going forward. Scientific progress is the key to humanity's success and, seeing as it affects our day to day lives, we the public should keep informed on the subject. The purpose of this blog is for me to connect with all of you so that we can share our thoughts on the various branches of science, technology, society, and maybe even a little bit of philosophy (assuming I'm in an "Aristotle" kind of mood)! Science can be absolutely beautiful and breathtaking if we take a moment to step back and appreciate it, so hopefully we can do exactly that over the next little while.