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Showing posts from June, 2014

4 Tricks to Memorizing & Studying Effectively

With exams right around the corner, there's probably a lot of last minute studying going on! It can be difficult to memorize all of those terms and definitions…so here are some helpful tricks that you might want to try! 4. Use All of Your Senses  Different parts of your brain are responsible for different things. For example, when you do some sort of activity, it may be the left side of your brain that registers what's happening while the back corner does the same for smells.  When you try to remember things on a test/exam, what you're trying to do is reactivate these areas. If you only study by saying something out loud or in your head, only one part of your brain has the memory stored. To increase the chances of being able to remember something, it's best if you try to store the memory in different parts of your brain. How do you that? By using all of your senses.  When you read a definition, smell something while you're doing it. Pinch your skin

How Big Is a Million, Billion and Trillion?

Millons, billions, trillions - we've heard it all, but do we really understand them? Most people know that a trillion is bigger than a million for example, but just how big is the difference really? How about we find out!? Time  Here'a a neat exercise. Without doing any math or calculations, I want you to try to guess how long it was 1 million seconds ago….Okay, got a number in your head? The answer is: 11. 52 days  Hmmm…interesting. But here's the better part. Now that you know how long it was 1 million seconds ago, I want you to guess at how long it was a billion seconds ago…Got it? What did you guess? A month or two? Well, it turns out the answer is: 32 years  Wow! I don't know about you, but I really underestimated that one. If you're under 32, that means you haven't even existed for a billion seconds…and yet, a million seconds was less than two weeks ago. Okay, now that we know that, let's do the same for a trillion. Take a guess…The answ

The 10 Weirdest Creatures You've Never Heard Of

4.55 billion years is a pretty long time - apparently, it's long enough for some crazy looking animals to evolve. Here's a look at some of Mother Nature's weirdest children:  10. The Blobfish  Okay, so let's see what we have firs - HOLY SHIT! What in the?…Just, wow. This dude looks like my uncle reflecting on his sad life after one too many drinks.  If you're wondering, yes, this is actually a fish. It was also voted the world's ugliest animal and is the mascot for the Ugly Animal Preservation Society (yes, that's a real thing). While it's a normal fish underwater, it turns into mush outside of water due to changes in density of its surroundings. The end result? A lump of nasty.  I think I'm going to make this picture my wallpaper from now on.  9. Aye Aye  Yoda? Is - Is that you? While this little guy may seem cute to some, I'd watch out if I was you. The Aye Aye looks too much like a gremlin for my comfort.  8. D