Whether it's school rules or national legislation, there are A LOT of dumb laws out there. Let's take a look at a couple... 7. Elephants Are Not Allowed On Beaches In France Really!? We need to make legislation for elephants? Poor France. I know that my beach-experience would definitely be worsened without some majestic elephants walking around. The Reason? Apparently, France has a big problem with circus elephants going to the beach and pooping…sometimes, on top of people. 6. Bingo Games Cannot Be Longer Than 5 Hours In North Carolina Because those darn old people look so suspicious playing their secretive bingo games (I mean, come on - What kind of creature actually enjoys playing bingo?), North Carolina has made it against the law to play too much bingo. The Reason? 1) It's freaking North Carolina. What did you expect? 2) There actually is worry about the gambling that goes on between old people at bingo! Apparently, the grannies g...
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