Our ability to perceive the world around us kind of depends on our senses. Okay, it really depends on your senses. The experiences you have are understood through touch, taste, smell and - most importantly - sight. With sight being so important, it's really shocking to see that our eyes and brains are actually easily fooled! Here are some optical illusions that will blow your mind…
6. The Tables Have Turned…
Okay, time for some easy questions. Is the green table longer than the red table's width? Is the red table's length longer than the green table's width? If you answered yes…(I think you know where this is going)…you're wrong! They are the same freaking tables! One of them is just rotated 90 degrees. WTF??!!?
If you don't believe me, just check out this picture where the lengths and widths are actually measured:
The red lines on both tables are the exact same lines. This means that the length of the green table is indeed the same as the red table. If you're not surprised by this, please go back to the first image. It's pretty messed up! So what's going on here? This is a case of your brain disagreeing on information. Your brain is not a single entity - it's more of an office building with tons of rooms with little neurons running around trying to communicate between departments. This is an example of some neurons spilling a coffee on an important file or something. It could also be the fact the tables are different colours making your lazy brain think "Oh, different colours - must be different tables too". God, your brain is such a dumb ass sometimes.
The angle of the green table also makes it seem longer. I guess there are certain ways you can make some objects look longer than they actually are….
5. Your Brain Lies To You For Your Own Good
Take a good look at the picture. Which of the yellow lines is longer? If you answered "the top one", most people would agree with you. Unfortunately, you're wrong! Both lines are actually the exact same length! Measure them yourself!
What's Going On?
The train track makes the top line look further away. Your retinas in your eyes actually perceive the lines as the same length (they are not easily fooled), but your brain takes the top line and extends it. Why? It's because the retinas are telling you brain they are the same length. The brain however sees the context of the picture (railroad tracks) and says to itself, "If they are the same size, then the top line has to be a little bit bigger because objects that are further away appear smaller". Your dumb ass brain is over thinking here and that is what creates the illusion.
The train track makes the top line look further away. Your retinas in your eyes actually perceive the lines as the same length (they are not easily fooled), but your brain takes the top line and extends it. Why? It's because the retinas are telling you brain they are the same length. The brain however sees the context of the picture (railroad tracks) and says to itself, "If they are the same size, then the top line has to be a little bit bigger because objects that are further away appear smaller". Your dumb ass brain is over thinking here and that is what creates the illusion.
4. Get Ready To Start Tripping Balls…
Don't see anything right? Well, take a seat because you're about to. For this one, you need to stare at the central dot and slowly move your head forwards towards the picture, and then backwards (keep your eye on the dot the whole time). You should notice that the tiles around the dot start moving! Here's the really messed up thing: When you move forwards, the tiles move in one direction, but then switch directions as soon as you start moving backwards!
Don't worry, you are not high on acid right now (at least I think…).
What's going on here? Well, there isn't really a solid answer. Alls we know is that it has something to do with perception, peripheral vision, and just how fucked up your brain is in general!
3. Is It Your Wife Or Your Mother-In-Law
Quick! What do you see? Don't worry this time, there are actually no wrong answers because there are 2 answers hidden inside of this one picture. Did you see a young lady? If so, you may be surprised to find that there is actually an ugly, old hag in there as well (no offence old hag)! (The necklace is her mouth, the ear is her eye and the chin is her crooked nose). Once you notice both, it's nearly impossible to focus on just one - your brain will keep switching between the two trying to figure out what the hell is going on!
Most people actually see the young lady though because it's what your brain wants to see. In reality, all pictures are just a bunch of lines. It's your brain that takes these lines and forms an image that it wants. The moral: inside every old lady is a beautiful woman!
2. The Spinning Dancer
Here's a YouTube video of an animation of a spinning dancer. Pay careful attention to it and try to determine whether she is going clockwise or counterclockwise:
There is actually no definite answer! Some people see it going clockwise and others see it going counterclockwise. Apparently, if you see it going clockwise, you are right brained (creative, intuitive, good at reading emotions, etc.) and if you see it going counterclockwise, you are supposedly more left brained (logical, good with numbers, critical thinking, etc.). If you stare at it long enough, you can apparently see her switch directions! Here is another video that puts the exact same dancer next to herself, but draws certain lines on the body to make each direction show:
Keep in mind that both dancers are the exact same as the first one! Weird!
1. It's Staring Into My Soul!
This one is one of my favourites. It's actually a video with a paper cut out dragon. As the camera walks around the dragon, it appears as if its eyes are following you! No special affects at all - fast forward to the end if you want to see the solution!
Creepy! If you have any toys or stuffed animals at home, I'd be extra careful around them if I was you…
The main message here? Your brain is pretty fucked up sometimes. But hey, it's yours, so it's really the best you've got.
Great Work HC!