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Showing posts from May, 2014

8 Arguments Against A Personal God

In this article, I'm going to outline a few "arguments" (they're more like things that seem to contradict a personal god or that make its existence illogical, but whatever) against the existence of a "personal god". But first, what is a personal god? Well, when people say they believe in a god, they mean very different things. Some believe in a deistic god (i.e. some sort of greater force that essentially pushed the start button for the universe, but plays no role in anything after that - he's basically not really there). I am NOT arguing against this kind (maybe in another piece…). The type of god I'm arguing against is the type that I think most "religious" people believe in. These are a list of criteria that make a personal god (in my opinion): Assumptions : 1. This god personally cares about human affairs  2. This god can experience emotions (ex. he "loves" you and "cares" about you)  2. This god created t

5 Ways the Universe Could End

The universe is a cold, unforgiving bitch…I mean lovely place to live (shut up! The universe is listening!). Anyways, the beauty of this place we call home is that there are so many fantastic ways in which it could utterly end itself and everything in it (sorry, that includes us). Even though most of these ideas propose endings that would happen well after our deaths, it's still fun to think about, so let's take a look at some scientific hypotheses for how the universe could end. 5. Heat Death (A.K.A. Big Freeze)  See that picture? Yeah, well, that's our future…at least it is if the Heat Death is in our ultimate fate. This one also happens to be the most likely based on our current understanding of the universe and how stuff works.  If you've taken grade 11 chemistry, you may have heard of something called Absolute Zero. When things get heated, atoms jiggle more. When you cool things down, atoms jiggle less. Basically though, how hot something is is really

5 Scientific Theories on the Origin of Life

One of the deepest and most profound questions ever to be asked: How did we get here? By "we", I mean us humans. Science has a very detailed explanation of our history through evolution but mystery still surrounds that moment where we made that transition from non-living to living. In this article, we are going to focus on actual ideas that some people believe are plausible explanations for the origin of life. 5. Let There Be Light...ning!  The study of the human body has revealed that one common difference between nonliving things like rocks and living things like humans is (surprisingly) electricity! All brain activity is a series of complex interactions between neurons and electricity. When you move your body or make a conscious decision (things that only living things can do), electrical impulses are racing through your body. It's the same deal with the heart - the reason it pumps is because of periodic electric shocks. So scientists decided to take this