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Showing posts from September, 2014

6 Powerful Pictures That Speak a Thousand Words

Although I hate cliches more than the average person, even I have to admit that there are some pictures out there that truly do say more than any articulation or speech ever could. There's something interesting about looking back on a snapshot of history and observing how the event or symbolism of the picture still affects us today. So without further ado, some very powerful pictures: 6. A Small White Child Approaches a Black Police Officer at a KKK Rally And Touches HIs Reflection (1992)  Innocence and the horrors of manipulation cannot be better expressed. A child, who has no doubt grown up surrounded by hatred, is seen here wearing an outfit that's true meaning is unknown to him. Not knowing any better, the child approaches a man who is just another human in the eyes of the boy. What would be going through the head of the police officer? 5. American Soldiers Unite to Raise Their Flag Iwo Jima (WWII)  Although not everyone likes the notions of war and natio