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6 Powerful Pictures That Speak a Thousand Words

Although I hate cliches more than the average person, even I have to admit that there are some pictures out there that truly do say more than any articulation or speech ever could. There's something interesting about looking back on a snapshot of history and observing how the event or symbolism of the picture still affects us today. So without further ado, some very powerful pictures:

6. A Small White Child Approaches a Black Police Officer at a KKK Rally And Touches HIs Reflection (1992) 

Innocence and the horrors of manipulation cannot be better expressed. A child, who has no doubt grown up surrounded by hatred, is seen here wearing an outfit that's true meaning is unknown to him. Not knowing any better, the child approaches a man who is just another human in the eyes of the boy. What would be going through the head of the police officer?

5. American Soldiers Unite to Raise Their Flag Iwo Jima (WWII) 

Although not everyone likes the notions of war and nationalistic pride, everyone has to agree that this is one powerful snapshot of history. Brotherhood, patriotism, the struggle in the face of the enemy - it's all right here. Also, the focal point of this image - the American Flag - speaks to the influence and power that symbols and ideas hold in the minds of soldiers and people all across the world. 

4. Chinese Man Holds His Ground In the Face of Tanks and Government Force

Known as "Tank Man", this Chinese civilian gained anonymous fame when he stood his ground against 4 military tanks that had come to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to stop student protests. Many peaceful protesters were killed by the military forces sent in by the Chinese government. Despite the fear that must have been in the air that day, this man - whose identity is unknown - stood up against the oppressive government. He represents freedom of thought and expression and is a symbol of revolution in the face of oppression. 

3. A French Man Tears Up As He Witnesses Nazi Occupation of Paris 

This is a photograph capturing a French man's dismay at seeing the Nazis march through Paris, just a short while after France fell to the Germans. One can only imagine how the man, and many others, must have felt. Not only were their emotions like fear running in the air, there was also the dismay at the fall of your country. Nationalism use to run a lot deeper with people in those days, so it must have been horrifying and confusing to see a nation - an idea, an identity - fall in front of your eyes.

2. A Views From the Allied Perspective of D-Day 

We usually see images of the results of war, but rarely do we get a ground level snapshot of the action. Just imagine yourself on that boat right now. Imagine the camera is your eye level and you're looking out at your brothers and comrades - young men - wading through the waters to battle the enemy - other young men. Everyone you see is putting their life on the line, ready to die. And you're next…step right into the water and start your trek. The shore awaits. 

1. A Pale Blue Dot - Looking At Our World From A Different Perspective 

Finally, a photo that is not about war! This is one of the most iconic images of all time - it a photo of the "Earth Rise" taken on the surface of the moon. 

Not only is this image a testament to an incredible achievement (we're standing on another world!), it is proof that humans are infinitely curious. Hundreds of years ago, Columbus and the Vikings crossed the  sea in search for something new. For thousands of years, man has tilted his head up and gazed into the stars, pondering the night sky. The immense difficulties and challenges associated with LANDING ANOTHER FREAKING BALL OF ROCK were not enough to stop us. The Apollo Project will forever be (arguable) mankind's greatest achievement. This photo will be cherished forever. 

It is also a view of Earth that had never been seen before. This shocked people at home. No buildings are visible. No national borders. No angry people are greedy politicians. No wars visible. All we can see is a fragile, pale blue marble - small enough that you feel like it could fit in the palm of your hand. Earth, our only home, had never been so vulnerable. This image sparked the environmental revolution and it was also brought to humanity right at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution of the 60s and 70s. Coincidence? I think not...


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