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Showing posts from April, 2014

7 Insane Laws That Actually Exist

Whether it's school rules or national legislation, there are A LOT of dumb laws out there. Let's take a look at a couple... 7. Elephants Are Not Allowed On Beaches In France  Really!? We need to make legislation for elephants? Poor France. I know that my beach-experience would definitely be worsened without some majestic elephants walking around. The Reason? Apparently, France has a big problem with circus elephants going to the beach and pooping…sometimes, on top of people.  6. Bingo Games Cannot Be Longer Than 5 Hours In North Carolina  Because those darn old people look so suspicious playing their secretive bingo games (I mean, come on -  What kind of creature actually enjoys playing bingo?), North Carolina has made it against the law to play too much bingo. The Reason? 1) It's freaking North Carolina. What did you expect? 2) There actually is worry about the gambling that goes on between old people at bingo! Apparently, the grannies get phys

4/20: Interesting Facts About Marijuana

DISCLAIMER: I do not encourage, nor do I condone the use of marijuana. Everything presented in this article is either factual or supported by evidence. Take from that what you will… :) 6. Marijuana Can Be "Addictive" (For Some People) According to , 9% of all marijuana users are classified as "addicted" to the substance. The chances for getting addicted to marijuana also increase the earlier you start using it. Some long term users report symptoms of withdrawal, something characteristic of other drugs that are very addictive. 5. Out of the 22 millions pounds of Marijuana grown each year in the U.S., 80% is from California, Kentucky, Tennessee and Hawaii.  Really, Hawaii ?! I thought I knew you better than that! 4. 42% of Americans Have Reportedly Tried Marijuana At Least Once That's a lot of people that include young people and old people alike! Also, these are just people reporting to a survey. I'm sure there quite a few out there w

5 Insane Sports Conspiracies

Often, the games of basketball, hockey, soccer, among others are not enough in and of themselves. For further entertainment, fans of sports are always looking deeper into the games to see if there is anything is secret and sinister just beneath the surface. While most people are ridiculed for coming up with crazy conspiracy theories, there are actually a few that are pretty interesting… 5. Patrick Ewing and the "Bent Card"  Patrick Ewing: basketball legend, Hall-of-Famer, and the player who was responsible for bringing basketball glory back to New York City. It's a great story…except for the controversy that surrounds his draft year.  The worst teams in the league have the highest chances of winning the draft "lottery" (which decides the draft ranking), with better teams having lower chances. For this lottery, the NBA put cards into a globe and then pulled them out at random. Watch this video to see (look for the bend in the card as he pulls it out). 

6 Mind-Blowing Optical Illusions (With Explanations!)

Our ability to perceive the world around us kind of depends on our senses. Okay, it really depends on your senses. The experiences you have are understood through touch, taste, smell and - most importantly - sight. With sight being so important, it's really shocking to see that our eyes and brains are actually easily fooled! Here are some optical illusions that will blow your mind… 6. The Tables Have Turned… Okay, time for some easy questions. Is the green table longer than the red table's width? Is the red table's length longer than the green table's width? If you answered yes…(I think you know where this is going)…you're wrong!  They are the same freaking tables!  One of them is just rotated 90 degrees. WTF??!!? If you don't believe me, just check out this picture where the lengths and widths are actually measured: The red lines on both tables are the exact same lines. This means that the length of the green table is indeed the same as th

6 Weird Animal Defence Mechanisms

There are approximately 8.7 million species on Earth! With that big of a number, you're bound to find some very interesting ones with some very peculiar methods of defending themselves. Humans may have guns and weapons, but most people have nothing on these guys… 6. Frog Breaks Its Own Bones To Stab Enemies  When threatened by predators, a particular type of frog, commonly known as the "Hairy Frog", uses quite the unorthodox method indeed. It has the ability (and audacity) to break its own toe bones  and then push them out of his skins. This frog will then use these sharp bones sticking out its feet as little swords to stab its enemy. Some scientists believe that the frog is able to bring the bones back into his body for healing with its muscles…either way, this frog is pretty crazy.  5. Opossums Play Dead…For Real! We've all heard of the old trick of "playing dead". You're supposed to lay there, secretly pretending to be dead until yo