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4/20: Interesting Facts About Marijuana

DISCLAIMER: I do not encourage, nor do I condone the use of marijuana. Everything presented in this article is either factual or supported by evidence. Take from that what you will… :)

6. Marijuana Can Be "Addictive" (For Some People)
According to, 9% of all marijuana users are classified as "addicted" to the substance. The chances for getting addicted to marijuana also increase the earlier you start using it. Some long term users report symptoms of withdrawal, something characteristic of other drugs that are very addictive.

5. Out of the 22 millions pounds of Marijuana grown each year in the U.S., 80% is from California, Kentucky, Tennessee and Hawaii. 
Really, Hawaii?! I thought I knew you better than that!

4. 42% of Americans Have Reportedly Tried Marijuana At Least Once
That's a lot of people that include young people and old people alike! Also, these are just people reporting to a survey. I'm sure there quite a few out there who are hiding something…

3. According to one study, the U.S. could make a total of $17 billion if they legalized and regulated the drug 

2. Legalization of Marijuana Does Not Mean More Weed For Kids 
Many people are concerned that legalizing marijuana would make it easier for their children to get access to it (and who doesn't want to protect the children, right?). Most studies have indicated that U.S. states that have legalized medical marijuana have seen decreases in teen usage. This is because there is no longer the "rebel effect" since it's legal now and also because legalization (and regulation) makes it harder for shady guys to sell pot to kids behind portables.

1. Canadian Kids Seem to Like Marijuana…A Lot…
A study by UNICEF found that Canadian kids smoke the most weed in the world with 28% of kids 11-15 admitting to having smoked in the last year! Interestingly, Canada scored the third lowest for cigarette usage amongst kids at under 5%. And if you're wondering, the province that smokes the most pot is…NOVA SCOTIA!


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