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7 Insane Laws That Actually Exist

Whether it's school rules or national legislation, there are A LOT of dumb laws out there. Let's take a look at a couple...

7. Elephants Are Not Allowed On Beaches In France

 Really!? We need to make legislation for elephants? Poor France. I know that my beach-experience would definitely be worsened without some majestic elephants walking around.

The Reason? Apparently, France has a big problem with circus elephants going to the beach and pooping…sometimes, on top of people. 

6. Bingo Games Cannot Be Longer Than 5 Hours In North Carolina 

Because those darn old people look so suspicious playing their secretive bingo games (I mean, come on - What kind of creature actually enjoys playing bingo?), North Carolina has made it against the law to play too much bingo.

The Reason? 1) It's freaking North Carolina. What did you expect? 2) There actually is worry about the gambling that goes on between old people at bingo! Apparently, the grannies get physical over lost bets! 

5. It Is Against the Law In Thailand to Step On Money 

All of the bills and coins in Thailand have King Bhumibol (pleas read as Bum-ee-bowl for maximum humour) on them. SInce his majesty is so amazing and awesome and untouchable, it is actually very disrespectful and even illegal to step on his face.

Man, maybe I should't have bought all of that King Bhumibol toilet paper…Oh well, you have to wipe with something, right? 

4. Russia Proposes Law To Make It Illegal For Mass Media To Swear 

This might even be (theoretically) expanded to ban swear words on most of the internet! Well, holy f***ing sh*t, what in the name of all things f***ed up will us c***-******* pieces of god-forsaken ******* do for some **?!145**%?

You know what I mean? 

The Reason? I don't know…Putin was having a bad day or something? 

3. It Is Illegal To Shoot A Moose From An Airplane In Alaska 

That…is oddly specific. A lot of game hunting goes on in Alaska though, and I guess you can't aim very well from a plane! 

2. Every Kentucky Citizen Must Take A Bath At Least Once A Year 

Let's just say I'm lucky that I don't live in Kentucky…

The Reason? Got to put those bath tubs to use! 

1. Chickens Must Lay Eggs Before 8:00 a.m. in Virginia

Think of the pressure! Oh man, would I hate to be a Virginian chicken! Poor guys probably roll out of bed at 7:00 and then are told that they have to plop out some omelettes in an hour or so. I wonder if they have a special jail for poultry in Virginia…

The Reason? We can't just let these chickens run willy-nilly on us! We have to show them who's boss…by forcing them to poop at certain times of the day…seems logical.



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