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3 Awesome & Inpirational Russian Monuments

Though the USSR certainly had its problems over the Cold War era, if there's one thing there government was very effective at, it is making memorable monuments. Recently, I've come across some very impressive (some, even touching) monuments that have been erected in Russia over the years.

3. Monument to the Conquerors of Space 

Created in 1964, this monument calls Moscow its home. Made of pure titanium and standing at a whopping 360 feet in height (!), this monument's propose is to commemorate the achievements of Russian exploration. Though they may have been outshone by the United States in the space race of the 1960s, the Russians have plenty to be proud. Hopefully, Russia can once again return to a nation focused on science and discovery in the near future. 

2. The Lab Mouse Monument 

This is perhaps my favourite monument. It currently stands outside the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, in Russia and was made to pay respects to the many mice who have been used in experiments (some of them, lethal). 

Overall, it's a lovely monument; an elderly mouse is depicted, slaving away, knitting DNA. For who? For us of course - the people who have sacrificed their brothers and sisters for the "greater good" of human knowledge. Though the fate of many lab mice is tragic (as it is for many animals in labs), the creation of a statue such as this is a heartwarming gesture. Even though some sacrifices seem to be necessary, there's nothing stopping us from showing some decency by acknowledging those who are often neglected. 

1. Steel Worker-Soldier Monument 

This is another interesting one. It's located in the city of Magnitogorsk and depicts a steel working handing a sword over to a soldier. A symbol of unity, of class borders, of the totality of war…of brotherhood. This monument can be interpreted in a variety of ways and can be meaningful in some way to almost anybody. 

It also helps that the thing is huge and just a spectacle to look at. Nice work Russia! 


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