It has been 223 years to the day that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart passed away (please take a moment to appreciate how badass a name like Wolfgang is). At the age of just 35, arguably the greatest composer of all time succumbed to illness on December 5th, 1791. Even in the brief 3 decades that he was active, Mozart - a child prodigy in every sense of the title - was ridiculously productive. The man was literally making sophisticated adults look foolish from the comfort of his diaper. Starting at the age of just 7, he was able to pen masterpieces that have lived on in their influence and sheer beauty even to this day.
Here's a look at some of my favourite pieces from Mozart:
A lovely piece by Mozart, the screech of the violin at 0:52 is one of the most heavenly yet bone chilling sounds I've ever heard produced.
Marriage of Figaro
This one holds the upbeat pace that I always loved in Mozart's work.
Symphony No. 40 - 1st Movement
Symphony No. 41 (Jupiter) - 4th Movement
Another upbeat and lively score from Mozart. Very uplifting! (And this video is a graphical score, which is always a bonus!).
Of course, Mozart's legend stretches far beyond these examples! So go out an enjoy his music and appreciate that a human could compose such outstanding and long-lasting work!
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